Posts Tagged ‘event planning’

How to Create an Event Planning Portfolio from Scratch

blog banner for event planning portfolio

“We don’t need to see your event planning portfolio, you’re hired!” Said no one ever. Event planning portfolios are important because they prove your experience and expertise. Your prospective customer will trust you more if you have a well-prepared event-planning portfolio to present. If you’re starting your events career, this guide to creating an event planning portfolio is for you. 

This guide can also be helpful for the seasoned event planner to refresh your event planning portfolio to make sure you’re presenting your best to new clients.


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Event Timeline Template: How To Make One And Get Free Samples For Your Next Event

the phrase event timeline template next to an hourglass that is surrounded by icons

Stressed from all the chaos that comes with planning an event? Ready to take your planning game to the next level and show everyone who’s boss? It’s time to introduce you to the ultimate weapon in your event planning arsenal – the event timeline template.

This powerful tool will keep you organized and on track leading up to your event, no matter how big or small. It’s time to say goodbye to the days of herding cats and feeling like you’re drowning in a sea of tasks and deadlines. With the event timeline template, you’ll be able to dominate your event planning game and achieve event success like never before.

We’ll give you insider tips on how to customize your timeline to fit your unique needs, and even throw in some free samples to get your creative juices flowing. 

It’s time to take your event planning to the next level with the event timeline template. Are you ready to dominate? Let’s go! (more…)

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