Posts Tagged ‘api’

REST API Now In EE4 Core



It’s official, now that the WordPress REST API (WP-API) has been rolled into WordPress core, we’ve added our own REST API  into the Event Espresso 4 (EE4) core plugin.

Since we already have the READ endpoints available in a plugin version of the EE4 REST API, on January 4th, 2016 we released an update (version 4.8.29) with the READ REST API endpoints in EE4 core.

However, we still have more work to do to get the WRITE endpoints done. Once the WRITE endpoints are completed, developer’s will have the ability to directly interface with your event website using the REST API to make updates directly to the database, such as checking-in attendees, creating/updating events, tickets, and attendees.

What Is An API?

In layman’s terms, an API or Application Programming Interface is an agreed set of standardized ways that a particular piece of software can be used; the rules defined for its interaction with the wider world, which govern how other pieces of software can talk to a program and how it will respond.

A few good examples of APIs in action would be:

  1. Anytime an app uses Google Maps to display its location information.
  2. A mobile or desktop twitter client.
  3. A game/service that integrates Facebook features such as login, messaging, etc.

In these instances, and all others like them, the APIs “expose” certain internal functions of the primary applications (Google Maps, Twitter, etc) so that outside developers can use them in their own applications or websites. In these examples, app developers have been given the ability to tap into the powerful features (and/or content) of major web services so that they can build on top of them and/or integrate key content and features into their own products, in clearly defined ways. This allows open collaboration to walk hand in hand with security.


REST or REpresentational State Transfer is an architectural style of building APIs; not a code language or description of its function. A REST API is designed to provide a lightweight form of communication (less bandwidth) between a producer (ex: Twitter) and a consumer (ex: Twitter client), making it a reliable solution for high volume web services like Facebook, Google Apps, Twitter, WordPress, and now Event Espresso.

In this case, you are the producer of content (event information and event data), and the applications you build can consume or use that data through the Event Espresso 4 REST API.

This Will Affect Everyone Who Works With Event Espresso

The EE4 REST API is a simple but powerful way to interact with Event Espresso. Even though the EE4 REST API is not readily visible to users, over time user’s will experience the benefits of more interactive Event Espresso websites. Once we roll out the WRITE endpoints Mobile, desktop and web applications can get data from Event Espresso and do anything you can do via the admin panel. It’s like the admin panel, minus the user interface (UI).

The availability of the EE4 REST API as a core feature also means less time spent by developers creating something similar, and more time spent creating features and custom applications.

How Will The EE4 REST API Be Used?

The Event Espresso 4 (EE4) REST API in Core is intended to allow client-side applications, and apps on different servers, to be able to interact with the WordPress Plugin Event Espresso. It is included in Event Espresso since version 4.8.29, and is built on the WP REST API included in WordPress since version 4.4.

The EE4 REST API can, and will be used in a multitude of different ways, such as:

  • Custom mobile apps
  • Custom admin interfaces
  • Integrating your events with other application platforms
  • Provide interoperability with many different programming languages
  • and much more!

By providing an agreed, standardized programmatic interface between Event Espresso and the outside world, Event Espresso opens itself up to every other application and development environment on earth.

Information for Developers

Now that the REST API is in Event Espresso 4 Core, you can start developing great integration’s for your customers. All you need to get started is review the documentation and start building something GREAT!

Also you should stay tuned to our developer-specific blog at so you’ll know about any important changes regarding backwards compatibility or other developments.

And if you do build something great with the EE4 REST API, consider listing it on our 3rd party addons page.

Reporting Issues

If you have an REST API feature request, or bug to report, please let us know on our github repo.

Building a WordPress Plugin? Use the EE4 Database Models Instead

If you are building a WordPress plugin that will use Event Espresso 4 data server-side (in the PHP code), generally you do not need to use the API, and can instead use Event Espresso 4’s database models, config, and other modules directly. Check out for tutorials on how to use many of these systems.

We hope you enjoy using the Event Espresso 4 modern REST API, let us know what you think.

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Event Espresso Plugin updates – May 2, 2013

Wow, we have a lot of updates going out. I was going to split this out into separate posts, but there’s just too much stuff. It would take a month to separate things out. Instead I’ll give you the highlight reel.

Event Espresso 3.1.32

The big new changes with Event Espresso is the database optimization. Some serious database optimization. Admin pages in this version load 200% faster, even with a lot of events or attendees. We’ve also fiddled with the event overview ordering so the stuff you want to see is in front of you, rather than having to page down to it.

There are four new gateways introduced in 3.1.32, including Google Wallet and the Canadian gateway, Moneris.

But the thing you’ll see right away is the UXIP Program.

The main reason for this is that now that we have finished the beta version of Event Espresso Arabica (which, as has been mentioned previously, is the “decaf” — or “lite” — version, with no premium gateways added) and have moved on to Event Espresso 4.1, we need to start gearing our development toward how the plugin will be best used. We have no real idea, for example, how many people are using the eWay gateway, or how many people are using 2Checkout as compared to, say, FirstData. And since there may be gateways that no one is using, we are trying to optimize our development by building the gateways that are being used most first for 4.1. In the future, this will give us information about what features you are using, so we can get an understanding of how you are using Event Espresso which will help us gear our development more toward your needs. Surveys are great, but you only get a limited number of people responding to surveys and that might not be representative of the whole picture. This will securely transmit information to our server that we can aggregate and use to directly guide the future development of the plugin. You can read more about the User eXperience Improvement Program here.

Event Espresso 3.1.33 Pre-release

A new version in the wild means a new pre-release. 3.1.33 will be a smaller release but adds three new gateways, including an Infusionsoft integration and a Quickbooks gateway. Oh, and a cool new function, espresso_get_event that can be used to get all the information for an event when passed an event_id (e.g. espresso_get_event($event_id). This is used by the updated Espresso Social add-on, described below.

Espresso Mailchimp 1.1 Pre-release

This update adds only one thing, but it’s a biggie. The Mailchimp 1.1 add-on adds support for Mailchimp Groups. You may have heard us talk about it on the Espresso Bar hangout with Eric from IvyCat (if not, go check it out). This is a sweet little feature that we thought warranted a major feature version bump and came out of some real-world scenarios and uses of Mailchimp and the Event Espresso Mailchimp Integration add-on. You can thank Eric in the forums or send him some love via the Event Espresso Pros page.

Infusionsoft Integration 1.0 Pre-release

This one was probably largely inspired by Seth’s insomnia. We’ve had requests in the past to integrate some kind of CRM into Event Espresso. Infusionsoft is great because they have an open API that made it really easy to do some really interesting things. If you’re already an Infusionsoft user, you can basically use your Infusionsoft dashboard instead of your Event Espresso dashboard in the WordPress admin. Customer records are created automatically even when the attendee was registered with a manual or offline payment. Payment records are updated automatically and you can use any of the built-in Event Espresso gateways or your Infusionsoft Merchant Account.

Espresso Social Media add-on 1.1.5

Here’s one that I worked on. This update fixes the Facebook like button! However, even more exciting is that it will roll out a feature, when combined with Event Espresso 3.1.33, that will add opengraph tags to the header of your site, allowing better and more specific information to be sent to Facebook with your like. What information, you ask? How about support for event thumbnails? Or descriptions that pull from your event descriptions? This is made possible by the new espresso_get_event function added to core.

But wait, there’s more

What else got some love? I’ll tell you:

  • JSON API 2.0
    • The Event Espresso JSON API is officially available to download. If you didn’t sign up for the pre-release channel when we first added the API, you can get it now with your regular downloads. The latest update fixes some minor bugs as well as speeding up some of the queries.
  • WP User Integration HOTFIX
    • A minor update that adds a security fix to the My Events shortcode.
  • Roles & Permissions Basic 1.5.4 and Pro 2.0.6
    • These have been available for a month on the pre-release channel and add some minor fixes.
  • Espresso Ticketing 2.0.10
    • This update fixes some minor issues as well as addresses the Venue Address 2 line that was not displaying on the ticket by default. It also takes care of some issues with the iPhone app as well as fixes some untranslatable strings.
  • Attendee Reassignment Add-on 1.0 Pre-release
    • The plugin formerly known as the Attendee Mover Tool, this add-on allows you to migrate attendees from one event to another. Pretty cool, huh? This is something we’ve been asked about for a long time. Seth made a video where you can see the plugin in action.
  • Price Modifier Add-on 0.0.3 Pre-release
    • An early version of this plugin, it adds the ability to attach a price to a question. Why would you need this? How about adding a question like “Do you want dinner?” to your event, and if the answer is yes, it adds $15 for a meal. This is a pre-release, so we’re anxious to hear your thoughts about how this plugin can be improved in the pre-release forums.
  • Espresso Calendar 2.0.5 and 2.0.6 Pre-release
    • 2.0.5 adds some new tooltip styles to the calendar as well as fixes some issues with displaying events and other minor issues. 2.0.6 adds the updated styles and javascript from fullcalendar.js.

What about that Arabica thing?

Don’t worry, we’re still busy working on the next generation version of Event Espresso. Development has moved on from the decaf version (4.0) to the regular version which will make it’s first appearance as 4.1 and include a migration script to get you moved over from the legacy (3.1.x) versions of Event Espresso.

Questions? Comments? Let us know what you think in the forums or the comments below.

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JSON API Plugin Now Available

Event Espresso API`

The new Event Espresso API addon allows other applications (other websites, mobile apps, etc) to access your Event Espresso data through an application programming interface (API).

What kind of really useful stuff can I build?

Using the Event Espresso API, you can get information on all events and attendees, and even check attendees in and out of events. Supposing you have WordPress installed and active on, once this addon is activated you can send an HTTP GET request to to retrieve all the event information from your site in JSON or XML format, which your client application can then use and display however you like. You can access and work with most of the Event Espresso admin features, allowing you to create solutions based on your needs. The API enables developers to build innovative and engaging applications that can interface with any website that uses the Event Espresso plugin for events, classes, meetings, scrapbook conventions, concert ticketing, including:

  • Mobile applications (e.g. Event Espresso mobile apps)
  • Custom onsite and offsite calendar integrations
  • Custom event lists with role based (public/private) access to event data
  • Custom website app integrations
  • Role-based access to attendee data
  • Cached database queries
  • Offsite registration forms (coming soon)
  • Ability to create customized analytics

Is the API supported?

Yes, Event Espresso customers have access to our Restful API Codex and support in the support forums. The API is compatible with Event Espresso version 3.1 and 3.2 (coming soon).

How does it work?

The Event Espresso API gives developers a complete API platform for directly accessing data event and attendee data securely and efficiently from outside your web server. All a developer needs to know about is the API Endpoint URL for your site. Example:

How do I get access to the addon?

Anyone with a current Event Espresso Business or Developer Support License or Ticketing addon can download this addon for use on their site, from within their profile/account page.

Is this a replacement for the Espresso Services API?

Yes and No. The current versions of both the Event Espresso iPhone and Android mobile apps CANNOT be used with this API. However, you should have no problems running both API’s side by side. We are working on switching over the iPhone app to the new API as soon as possible. We are also actively looking for someone to help us switch the Android app to the new API. The new Event Espresso iPad app will be available soon.

Why did you create this addon?

We are hoping the addition of this addon will drive developer adoption around for Event Espresso plugin and our community of dedicated users.

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Event Espresso