Posts Tagged ‘android’

Event App for Check-in & Ticket Scanning Now Available for Event Espresso 4

The Event Espresso 4 check-in & ticket scanning event app is now available for Android and Apple devices!

Get Started Now

Download the Mobile Ticketing App | View Documentation

Android Mobile Event App Apple Mobile Event App


  • Event Espresso version 4.8.41+ (Works w/ Decaf & Regular)
  • WordPress version 4.5+
  • Apple: iOS version 9+
  • Android: KitKat version 4.1+
  • Optional: Ticketing add-on (required for scanning tickets)
Hey #EventProfs, @EventEspresso has a mobile app to check-in and scan #tickets on #WordPress Share on X

Event App Overview

Event Overview - Check-in & Ticket Scanning Event AppSince our event app announcement back in February, our team has been busy building brand new event mobile apps for onsite check-in & ticket scanning. The new Event Espresso 4 event app allows you to transform your Android and/or Apple device into an onsite attendance management tool for events. Allowing event managers another option to manage check-ins at the door of their events.

Quickly check-in attendees and view information about your events and attendees. Built-in ticket scanning capabilities allow you to scan tickets (optional upgrade) at your classes, meetings, conventions, concerts, and everything in between. Event managers can also login to the website to view attendance records, generate an attendance list and export the list to a report in CSV format.


Use the event app to check attendees in/out of events, view attendee/registration and event info. Additional benefits of using the Event Espresso 4 Event App at your event include:

  • No more messy attendee lists to deal with, just search for an attendee names and check them in from the app
  • Mobile Event App Registration OverviewSpeed up registrations at the door, by using your mobile device to scan attendees tickets (optional upgrade), instead of using your laptop and barcode scanner
  • Integrates in real-time with the attendee list in Event Espresso, within your own website
  • Easily view attendee/registration info, such as:
    • Attendee list per datetime
    • Ticket purchases
    • Payment status
    • Check-in status
  • Allows for multiple check-in “stations”. Eg, use multiple Android/iPhone devices to log into to the same attendee list so employees can check-in attendees using multiple different devices
  • Device-to-device QR Code scanning helps to keep your events “Green” by providing an environmentally friendly ticketing solution
  • Makes your organization efficient and innovative with easy access to event info, such as:
    • Event list
    • Venue info
    • Datetimes
    • Registration totals
    • Capacity statistics

Who is this for?

Anyone using Event Espresso 4 to manage events/classes and accepting registrations on their WordPress website can use this event app to scan tickets, monitor attendee access, view registration details, and more.

Install Now

Download the Mobile Ticketing Apps | View Documentation

Android Mobile Event App Apple Mobile Event App

Event Smart Customer?
You can use the event app with Event Smart, too. Just let us know so we can turn on your REST API feature.


Events Overview

The event app design team took a some extra time to give the event overview a few nice design updates this time around. Including the use of featured images, event descriptions, better datetime display, and selecting among multiple datetimes.

Event Overview - iPad - Check-in & Ticket Scanning Apps

Attendee Overview

The registration overview screen allows entry staff check-in/out the attendees from within the event app. If you allow your attendees to leave, then re-enter later, you can easily check the attendee out, then check them back in from the attendee overview screen. This also updates the check-in/out records in your website database.


Check-in & Ticket Scanning

Ticket scanning allows entry staff to easily scan tickets at the door (EE4 Ticketing add-on required). When a ticket is scanned, a response is sent back to your event website checking that attendee into the event.

Ticket Scanner - Check-in & Ticket Scanning App  Successfull Check-in - Check-in & Ticket Scanning App

Ready to Get Started? Install Now

Download the Mobile Ticketing Apps | View Documentation

Android Mobile Event App Apple Mobile Event App

Sweet! Hey #EventProfs, @EventEspresso has a mobile app to check-in and scan #tickets on #WordPress Share on X


If you have trouble using the event app, see our event app documentation page or contact us in the support forums.


The event app wouldn’t be possible without the work that was done by the WordPress REST API team, the Event Espresso Core Developers, and our new Event App Development team.

We also owe a big shout out to the Event Espresso community (customers, support team, third-party developers, and non-profits organizations) for believing in us for over 7 years.


Help shape the future of Event Espresso mobile apps. If you’re a user or developer and would like to leave feedback about the Event Espresso mobile apps, contact us on our support forums. Your feedback is invaluable and helps us to improve the experience, each and every day.




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Development Started on Event Espresso 4 Mobile Ticketing Apps

We are pleased to announce that development has started on the Event Espresso 4 mobile ticketing apps for Android and Apple mobile devices.

mobile ticketing apps

Mobile App Mockups

About the Event Espresso 4 Mobile Apps

Here’s what you can expect from the new mobile apps:

  • Feature parity with Event Espresso 3 mobile apps
    For the initial release, we are only working on feature parity with the Event Espresso 3 version of the mobile apps. Such as viewing events, registrations, and checking-in/out attendees from the mobile apps.
  • The apps will be free
    We care about your ticketing needs and want to make your lives better. You’ll be able to do check-in/out attendees, and those who use the Ticketing add-on will be able to scan tickets too.

The plan right now is to get the apps built, tested and release ASAP. If everything goes as planned, we can expect the development to take around 10 to 12 weeks.

What functions will the apps perform?
Event Espresso users will be able to check-in/out attendees and scan tickets using mobile devices, such as iPhones, iPads, and Android phones and tablets.

What about ____ feature?
We have a few ideas for features such as point-of-sale capabilities, etc, but these will have to come at a later date.

The team we’ve brought on to build the mobile apps has a lot of experience with building event related apps and we’re looking forward to working with them to add more great features in the future.

Tell us what you need/want?
Have some ideas you want to see the in Event Espresso mobiles apps? Let us know in the comments below.

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Mobile Ticketing Apps Released

Event Espresso Mobile Ticketing Apps

Event Espresso Mobile Ticketing Apps

We’d like to announce today that we have released the Event Espresso Mobile Ticketing Apps for iphone, iPod, and Android mobile devices. These mobile platforms bring event managers and organizers even more autonomy and power to setup their own registration system.

The Event Espresso plugin for WordPress and our iOS and Android apps:

  • Speed up registrations at the door
  • Integrates in real-time with the attendee list in Event Espresso
  • Allows for multiple check-in “stations”. Eg. Use multiple iPhones/Android phones to log into to the same attendee list so employees can scan tickets using multiple different mobile devices
  • Send an e-mail to the ticket holder with a “Thank you for Attending” – This will save time from currently having to check the name off and having attendees sign a confirmation that they were present at the event. This will help to avoid refund situations (coming soon)
  • Keep your events “Green” by providing an environmentally friendly ticketing solution
  • Custom tickets can double as a name badge
  • Makes your organization very official and innovative

Download the Mobile Ticketing Apps | Purchase the QR Code ticketing addon

Requirements: Event Espresso version 3.0.19.p.34 or greater and purchase of the QR Code ticketing addon. Note: the ticketing app will work with some earlier versions of Event Espresso, but 3.0.19.p.34 has the ability to check people in/out of the event if the ticketing addon is installed.

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Event Espresso