Posts Tagged ‘accessibility needs’

How To Plan Accessible Events: Tips And Best Practices For Event Planners

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Events are fun and exciting, but not everyone can enjoy them equally. Some people may have trouble attending or joining events because of their disabilities or other factors. Such difficulties can make them feel left out or frustrated and can limit their opportunities to learn, network, and have fun.

As an event planner, you have the power and the responsibility to make your events more accessible and inclusive for everyone. Accessibility is not only a legal and ethical obligation but also a smart and friendly practice that can benefit everyone involved.

According to the University of Kansas (KU) Event Accessibility and Accommodation Policy and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), all public gatherings, conferences, and meetings must be accessible. Regardless of their abilities, needs, or preferences, an event should be open and usable for as many people as possible.

As we explore further, we will discuss the significance of accessible events and offer practical advice and industry best practices to help you design experiences that accommodate everyone.


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