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Messages System: How to add custom message shortcodes

The messages system provides multiple shortcodes used to output various data for each object available to it. However sometimes you may want some details which…
Last updated 4 years ago

Payment Settings for Event Espresso 3

Event Espresso version 3 Documentation for the Payment Settings The Payment Settings options page has all the settings for every payment gateway that Event Espresso…
Last updated 5 years ago

Messages System: Working with message contexts

A single message type may have different content depending on the context in which that message is used, for example the content of the ‘Registration Approved’…
Last updated 6 years ago

Messages System: Message Templates

Message Templates are the blueprint for what the message will look like when its assembled. This is a very powerful component to the messages system…
Last updated a week ago

Messages System: Contexts

A context describes who or what receives the message. You won’t see the word context much in the UI for messages because the labels for…
Last updated a week ago

Messages System: Messengers

Messengers are part of the Event Espresso Messages system. Messengers describe the vehicle or method that delivers the messages. The most common delivery vehicle pretty…
Last updated 4 years ago

Messages System: Message Types

Message Types describe the kind of message that is being sent and describe what the content of the message. There are Message types for payment…
Last updated 4 years ago

Messages System: Shortcodes

Message shortcodes are special snippets of text that allow for precisely controlling how dynamic content will display in the message template. If you are familiar…
Last updated a week ago

Transactions (ver 4.0+)

Transactions The transactions section covers the payments each registrant has made. Overview The transactions list table offers views of transaction lists. You can filter by…
Last updated 6 years ago

Registrations (ver 4.1+)

Event Espresso version 4 Documentation for Registrations(In Progress) The registrations section of Event Espresso provides all the attendee information you need. It is separated into…
Last updated 6 years ago

Event Espresso