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Multiple Event Registration

Allow attendees to sign up for multiple events at the same time through an event shopping cart.

Event organizers prefer Event Espresso for accepting event registrations for festivals, classes, workshops, courses, and more.

With the Multiple Event Registration add-on, your attendees can add several events to an event shopping cart and then start registration checkout and pay at once.

Here are just a few ways that our event organizers use the Multiple Event Registration extension for their events:

– Sign up multiple students for events through one cart transaction
– Ability to register for multiple programs at one time like a week of camps
– Let multiple participants register at once for various courses
– Allow a parent to select various creative classes and assign multiple children to them
– Book multiple tours with different pricing
– Ability to purchase multiple tickets at once

Attendees can add different events to their shopping cart


Why Multiple Event Registration?


An event solution that works for me right from my WordPress website?

“I’m skeptical because it seems too good to be true.”

Do any of these sound familiar with your event registrations?

– Ongoing struggles with paper registrations and hounding attendees for checks that are “in the mail”
– Giving away hundreds or even thousands in just commission and service fees from a third party solution

You are free to continue with the current way, or you can take a closer look at an alternative that can change the direction of doing things. Starting right now, you can make the switch to Event Espresso and never fumble again with paper registrations nor flush a lot of money down the drain from service/commission fees and ticketing fees.

Imagine your event registrations and attendee payments being taken care of for you from your current WP website.

With an investment in Event Espresso and the Multiple Event Registration extension, you can be on your way to moving forward with a versatile events solution for your event registrations today.


Our event organizers choose the Multiple Event Registration add-on so their attendees can register for different events at the same time.


How do I get started with the Multiple Event Registration add-on for my events?


Are you already using Event Espresso for your event registrations on your WordPress website? You can purchase the Multiple Event Registration add-on for Event Espresso here while logged into your account on You’ll then see Multiple Event Registration in your downloads area in the lower right of your account page.

Need a support license for Event Espresso?

Here are the steps to get started with Event Espresso and the Multiple Event Registration add-on right now.

1) Join other event organizers who trust Event Espresso for their event registrations and purchase a support license for Event Espresso today

2) Afterward, you’ll be logged into your new account on and, a welcome email will be sent to your email address

3) Follow the quick start guide for Event Espresso to get up and running quickly with your events through Event Espresso and Multiple Event Registration


Frequently asked questions about the Multiple Event Registration add-on


Is a WordPress website required?
Event Espresso and the Multiple Event Registration extension are both plugins for WordPress so you’ll need a website running WordPress to use them. If you don’t currently have a website, then choose Event Smart where you can receive online event registrations for multiple events at once.

Can the Multiple Event Registration extension be used with the Payment Methods Pro extension?
The Payment Methods Pro extension lets you assign a specific payment option to different events. Since the Multiple Event Registration extension introduces a shopping cart for registering for various events at once, it cannot be used with the Payment Methods Pro extension.


You are covered by our 30-day money back guarantee!

The Multiple Event Registration documentation can help you with questions like:

– How do I install the add-on on my WordPress website once I’ve purchased it from
– How do I set up the extension once I install and activate it on my WordPress website?
– What are some common questions about the add-on?

Check out the documentation for the Multiple Event Registration add-on.

Still, need more help? Log in to your account on and get help from our support team today.

Event Espresso
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