Create promo and discount codes for your events

You can leverage promotion and discount codes to incentivize people to register now or make your events more affordable for others. With the promotions system in Event Espresso you can:

  • Create an unlimited number of discounts
  • Create percentage-off discounts
  • Create fixed amount discounts
  • Setup early-bird pricing discounts
  • Allow multiple discounts per event or limit discounts to one per event, etc
  • Include descriptions of discounts for detailed record keeping
  • Export and report the discount(s) used when attendees register

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Share upcoming events on social media websites like Facebook

Events are inherently social; so almost nothing can be as powerful as other people sharing your event to other people in their network who might be interested in your events. Simple turn on the settings and add your account information. You attendees can now share their excitement.

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Display events on a calendar page

The WordPress event calendar allows you to display your events in a format that attendees are familiar with using. As soon as an event is published, the event will automatically show on the calendar.

Categorize Event Colors on the Calendar

Categorize Event Colors on the Calendar

The calendar can also be modified to display separate categories of events in different colors to make it even easier for attendees to find what they’re looking for.

The Events Calendar is available in any support license for Event Espresso 3 and as a add-on purchase for Event Espresso 4.

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Staff Manager

After creating a Staff profile, you can use a shortcode in an event description to display the individual’s profile information such as their contact information, resume, and photo.

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Event Espresso