Day 3 – Ask for Email Confirmation

The email address is the most important piece of information that you’ll collect through your registration forms for your attendees/registrants. Registrants/attendees receive their registration details through their email address along with any payment receipts (if applicable).

If there is a problem with an email address such as a typo, then this process breaks down as they won’t receive their registration details. If the registration/attendee is aware of the issue right after registration checkout, then they may contact you and you can fix and resend their information.

Would it not be a better option to make some changes to your registration forms to minimize this from happening?

Duplicate the Email System Question

In the prior lesson from day 2, we shared that you should collect the minimum amount of information that you need from your registrants/attendees. However, adding an additional field for a registrant/attendee to confirm their email is an exception since it can prevent the problems mentioned above.

Login to your WordPress dashboard (WP-admin). Then go to Event Espresso –> Registration Forms. You will now be viewing the Questions overview screen for Event Espresso 4. Hover over the email system question and then click on Duplicate. This will take you to the Questions editor with some information pre-populated. Now update the Question Text along with the Question Label (admin-only) fields and click Save and Close. Here is an example:


Afterwards, you’ll be taken to the Questions overview screen. Click on Question Groups and then click on the Personal Question Group. Look for the email question that you just added and drag it so it is under the existing email question and then click on Save and Close. Here is an example:


A future version of Event Espresso 4 will introduce an enhancement that looks for a match between the email fields. This is known as form validation. While this is not currently available out of the box, the act of simply asking a registrant/attendee to re-enter a piece of information can help spot errors such as typos which can reduce these issues.

Tomorrow you will learn how offering flexible payment options can boost registrations for your events.

Event Espresso