Archive for the ‘Product & News’ Category

Vote for Event Espresso – 2010 Plugin of the Year

Event Espresso has been nominated for the prestigious “2010 Plugin of the Year Award” at WordPress Honors. Please take a few minutes to show your support for Event Espresso (and any of your other favorite plugins,) by voting.

Need a little more incentive? Each person that registers on the WordPress Honors website will be entered to win great prizes from other great WordPress theme and plugin developers.

So hurry up and cast your vote for Event Espresso and start winning prizes! 🙂

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Event Espresso Version 3.0.16 Just Released

Social Media Buttons

Social Media Buttons

Now includes Facebook and Twitter share buttons.

Among several minor bug fixes etc, we have included a simple social media plugin/addon that can be used to display Twitter and Facebook buttons in your Event Espresso templates. If you have relocated your template files to your uploads folder, you will need to make these changes to your template files.

I have also provided templates for the payment and return to payment pages.

Calendar Week View

Calendar Week View

The calendar has also been updated to include weekly and daily agenda views and a settings page to manage the calendar options.

Here is a list of recent changes between the last four versions.

Added simple buttons for Twitter and Facebook. Templates have been updated to include these changes.
Added payment and return to payment templates.
Added required text to form fields.
Added a new function to Get a single start or end time:
* function event_espresso_get_time($event_id, $format = ‘start_time’)
* @params $event_id (required)
* @params $time (optional, start_time (default) | end_time)
Changed the plugin to use the built in jQuery library, instead of the Google jQuery API.
Adjusted the questions display query to order by group order. This will work if the users do use the group_order field. Otherwise the questions will get mixed up.
Added the search and replace values to the invoice email

Moved the system questions and question groups function into the database install scipt. Hopefully this will fix the problem with the system questions and groups not getting installed.

Applied some formatting to the category name in the category listing.
Removed the wpautop function from the category editor.
Added the end_date of an event to the event_list.php.
Fixed the following issues
1) Edited questions always defaulting to ‘required’.
2) Deleting of questions and groups via checkbox.

Download your copy now!

Follow us on Twitter @EventEspresso

#WP #eventprofs #plugin

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I’m Sponsoring WordCamp Las Vegas

The Event Espresso team is excited to be a part of  WordCamp Las Vegas 2010 (follow on Twitter: @lvwordcamp #wclv,). This will be our second WordCamp sponsorship after we sponsored WordCamp Utah, right here in our hometown of Salt Lake City, Utah. We enjoyed networking with everyone at WordCamp Utah so much, that we decided to do it again in Vegas.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter or join our WordCamp Las Vegas Twitter list of attendees and be online during the event. One special Twitter follower will walk away with a free download of Event Espresso to use on their site (or a clients) WordPress installation.

Can’t wait until WCLV for a chance to get your hands on the premium version of the plugin for free? Use the coupon code LVWORDCAMP to get $20 off! Hurry the code is limited to the first 10 uses.

Download now >>

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What Type of Events do you Manage with EE?

Event Espresso (EE) has been available for almost 18 months and we’d like to highlight all the different type of events that our customers now manage more profitably and efficiently. Is your event type listed?

  • Boat Sailing Appointments
  • Workshops
  • Conferences
  • Personal Training
  • Consultations
  • Classes
  • Concerts/Gigs
  • Others???

We know there are probably dozens if not hundreds of other types of events you’ve used Event Espresso for, so leave us a comment and let us know if we don’t include your type of event on the list. We’d like to hear back from as many of our customers as possible. If you know someone else who is using our WordPress event management plugin, let them know we’d like to hear from them.

If you’d like to showcase what you’ve done with Event Espresso, feel free to post your website profile in our Website Showcase.

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How do you save $30,000 on your WordCamp registrations?

Save Cash for WordCamp

Keep the Cash Campaign

This weekend we had the opportunity of attending WordCamp Utah. For those who haven’t attended a WordCamp, it’s a great opportunity to be inspired by and network with skilled developers, writers, webmasters, and entrepreneurs. We even had a town hall meeting with WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg and a live presentation from Will it Blend, yeah, seriously! Needless to say, we had a great time.

Even though we had a great time at WordCamp, there was a $30,000 problem that really bothered us. Each of the 153 attendees had to pay an additional $1.49 to cover the cost of registering for WordCamp through Eventbrite. With all the plugin development around WordPress, why would WordCamp not use Event Espresso to manage their events? Event Espresso only costs $59.95 for unlimited events, and no fee per registrant (compare that to $1.49 per registrant with Eventbrite). WordCamp could either use that $1.49 for cool WordCamp things, or they could give us all a discount.

There have been or will be 136 WordCamps in 2010 and if, on average, each WordCamp gets about the same number of attendees as WordCamp Utah, attendees could collectively pay $30,396 just to register for WordCamps! That could fund the development of a sweet new feature or theme or be used to publicize WordPress as a CMS. Developers can help their clients save more money too by using Event Espresso.

To help make WordCamp better, and save a lot of cash, we have decided to donate our event manager plugin, Event Espresso, to every WordCamp site. We do not want to see all that money go toward just registration fees – we’d like to see WordCamp use that money to make it better or let us all keep the cash. We’re here to help you  manager your events better, so if you’re in charge of planning or hosting a WordCamp, contact us to get your free event manager plugin.

You too should make more money from your events, or make them more affordable with Event Espresso.

Put a Banner on Your Site:

Save the Cash Campaign 125x125

Save the Cash Campaign 125x125

Save the Cash Campaign 234x60

Save the Cash Campaign 234x60

Save the Cash Campaign 468x60

Save the Cash Campaign 468x60

Save the Cash Campaign 728x90

Save the Cash Campaign 728x90

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Proud Sponsor of WordCamp Utah 2010

We our proud to be a sponsor of WordCamp Utah 2010!

What is WordCamp?

WordCamp is a conference type of event that focuses squarely on everything WordPress. Everyone from casual end users all the way up to core developers show up to these events. These events are usually highlighted by speeches or keynotes by various people. Read more…

Since Bluehost is providing lunch for everyone and is supplying the badge holders and lanyards. We figured we could help out with a few extra refreshments in addition to the small cash contribution we already made.

We would also like to give a very special shout out to Joseph Scott and his team for bringing WordCamp back to the great state of Utah! Not only did Joseph and his team bring WordCamp back to Utah after two long years without it. They have managed to round up a great group of speakers, which includes the founding developer of the WordPress project himselfMatt Mullenweg as the keynote speaker.

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Announcing Event Espresso 3

Announcing Event Espresso 3.0

Announcing Event Espresso 3.0., the most complete registration and event manager plugin available for WordPress. Brand new features and enhancements to nearly every feature makes this version the most powerful event management available with WordPress. Download Event Espresso 3.0 and do more with your events.

New Features:

Download Event Espresso 3.0 and get the most advanced WordPress event management system.

The First 100 Save $10
For the first 100 and Event Espresso subscribers, use the discount code 3SPR3550 during checkout and save $10.

Affiliates Earn 20%
Earn 20% by helping other event mangers understand the power of Event Espresso by becoming an affiliate.

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Screenshots of Version 3

Event Editor

Integrated Event Editor

Redesigned interface for managing events.

Attendee Groups

Group Registrations

Group registrations are now easier to manage.

Customizable Templates

Customizable Templates

Customizable Templates

Templates can be moved to your uploads directory and easily customized.


Multiple Payment Options

Multiple Payment Options

Payment options such as, PayPal, PDF Invoice, Check/Money Order and Bank Transfers can be customized using the new payment gateway management interface.

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Many New Features Available in Event Espresso 3

Event Espresso makes it easy to manage and customize events and registrations to to your business, personal website, or sporting event needs.

A few of Event Espresso’s built-in features include:

  • Built-in event functionality, just install and activate!
  • Fast and efficient Event Management
  • Uses Wodpress’s own WYSIWYG editing interface
  • Integrated Shortcode support
  • Streamlined single-page event data entry
  • And more….

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One Year Anniversary of the Advanced Events Registration Plugin

Today is the one year anniversary of the free version of the Advanced Events Registration plugin (originally named and still known as Events Registration with PayPal IPN.)

As well as being an important and cost effective addition to many small organizations and blog owners, it has become a very successful event registration plugin for WordPress. It all started off as a small project for my wife. She needed a simple system for people to register for her scrap booking events. Being a part time PHP developer (as well as loving  husband), I volunteered to help out. So I set out to find a solution and found a very simple Event Registration plugin for WordPress by David Fleming, but it seemed to be missing some of the basic features my wife needed for her business/hobby. We needed a way to accept payments using the PayPal IPN and a bunch of other custom features that seemed to be missing from David’s plugin. (I am not putting down David’s plugin at all, it is a very nice plugin and helped me to get moving on something more advanced.)

So I started studying the WordPress Codex and reading up on how to build plugins in the WordPress environment. After a few weeks of programming and testing. I was able to put something together based on David’s original plugin (version 1.0 I believe.) After a couple more weeks of testing I released the plugin on the WordPress Plugin Directory one year ago today (April 20, 2009.)

After almost a year of user submitted input, I was able to release the Advanced Events Registration Pro version of the plugin. Since the release of the pro version on January 28, 2010, I have made several hundred improvements throughout. One of the latest (and biggest) improvements has been a complete overhaul of all the old code. It now relies heavily upon the core WordPress functions and coding standards. Making it easier to use and more WordPress friendly. I have a Member addon almost ready. Among other things, I have added a way to include your own custom PHP functions, shortcodes, include files, and a simple template system for displaying events. All of which are stored in the “/wp-content/uploads/eventregis/” directory, so you don’t have to worry about overwriting all of your custom additions.  I am also ramping up to release alternate payment gateways such as, 2Checkout, and Google Checkout payment systems.

I love hearing from users, so please tell me about your experience with this plugin.

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Event Espresso