Archive for the ‘Product & News’ Category

Feature Spotlight: Using Datetime and Ticket Names to Consolidate Event Pages

In Event Espresso 4, if you manage the online event registration and ticketing for a category of events (e.g. volunteering opportunities or an on-going writing workshop) you can configure ONE event page and let the multiple datetime and multiple ticket names specify the different dates and ticket options.

Configuring your events this way allows you to:

  • have one event page with a specific url where you can refer people to time and time again via email or over the phone or in social media, etc
  • Optimize this special event page for your particular type of event to increase your search engine optimization ranking and ticket sales
  • Present more volunteering/purchasing options to people at once rather than making them view multiple pages or check out/purchase multiple times

Here is an example of this strategy with all the upcoming volunteering opportunities for a non-profit organization.

In this case your organization offers multiple types of volunteering opportunities that occur on different dates. Once you have configured your event registration and ticketing for these similar types of events, your potential customers/attendees/volunteers will be presented with all the volunteering opportunities on ONE page. This is what the front-end would look like (click to enlarge).

You can only get this type of control with Event Espresso. 

Multiple events registration datetime tickets wordpress one page

Take a look at this Event Espresso 4 tutorial if you want to see how it’s done.

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Instant web notifications now available from

Today we released a new way to stay in touch with the important news and updates from Event Espresso. Leveraging the Roost web notification service, Mac OSX users can get instant updates about news from Event Espresso right to their desktop.

When you visit on a Mac with OSX AND while using the Safari web browser you will be presented with the opportunity to subscribe:


Currently, you must visit using Mac OSX AND the Safari browser to initiate the notification invitation process. Roost is working on support for FireFox and Chrome.

Web notifications from Event Espresso will be presented on your desktop according to your Notification Settings (Preferences > Notifications).


If you miss a desktop alert then the Event Espresso announcement will be available in your notification panel.


We hope you find this a convenient way of staying up-to-date with Event Espresso. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below or contact us.

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Release Update: Event Espresso 4.2.6.p

An update for Event Espresso 4 is now available. Event Espresso 4.2.6.p offers one enhancement and 13 fixes.

Please backup your WordPress before making any changes.


  • Add option to show events from all categories in the Upcoming Events widget


  • Upcoming events widget formatting, remove extra line breaks and spacing, defaults of false not selecting
  • Preview button not showing for regular WordPress post-types
  • Logo Sizes in Order Confirmation PDF
  • Clarifying that the “skip migrations” = “reset database and delete old data”
  • indexOf(s) is not a function
  • Event Access Information under Ticket Details shows “Remaining” but that heading no longer exists
  • Fix date display in content-espresso_events-header.php to allow for translation
  • Themes that use “get_the_excerpt()” instead of “the_excerpt()” are missing EE content.
    Please note many of the headings in the event templates of prior versions have been removed as part of the work done in this ticket
  • Move to Trash Link in Venues Editor allows you to Delete Locked Venues
  • Arabica 2014 – change category icon from “tags” to “category”
  • EE4 Core 4.1 DMS crashing during events_Question_group stage
  • Fix error on sorting venues by ID in venue list table
  • Fix errors getting hidden by try catch block
For a complete history of the updates and changes to EE4 and the EE4-compatible add-ons, see the entire EE4 Changelog.

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Iced Mocha for EE4; a Free Event Theme


Iced Mocha has been retired and is no longer recommended

You can check out the new themes available from!

Fully integrated with Event Espresso 4

We have recently released our Iced Mocha theme for free on Github. The Iced Mocha Theme by Event Espresso is responsive, packed with features, and fully integrated with Event Espresso 4.event-list

The Iced Mocha theme for WordPress was developed to provide a nice WordPress theme that is fully integrated with Event Espresso 4. Based off of our Arabica – Twenty Fourteen child theme, which is included within the Event Espresso 4 plugin files, we were able to provide great looking event lists and registration forms right out of the box.

Much of the Iced Mocha template code is based on the Twenty Fourteen theme, but with a quite a few event specific features sprinkled in. Such as the ability to automatically showcase events in a slider, widget columns, and/or upcoming events right on the home page.

Lots of easy to use options

settings-pageWe took the EE 4 Arabica – Twenty Fourteen child theme all the way to a full fledged theme with multiple layout and color options. Iced Mocha includes the following features:

  • Custom Home Page/Presentation Page
    • Display Custom Sliders
    • Widget Columns
    • Upcoming Events
    • Recent Posts
  • Header Settings
  • Text and Color Settings
  • Post Information Settings
  • Featured Image Settings
  • and Much More

Our mission to help customers succeed

Often times our customers end up spending countless hours just trying to make things work as advertised with some third-party themes, but have no idea the theme they just paid $40+ for, is crippling shortcodes, overriding core WordPress functionality, reformatting content, or creating massive amounts of errors across their website.

That’s why we have made it our mission to give our Event Espresso 4 customers and developers an example of a well coded, easy to use WordPress theme, that is guaranteed to be compatible with the latest versions of Event Espresso 4. We feel that if we give our customers the tools they need to succeed, they will be much happier and more profitable.

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EE4 Test Drive Now Powered by Ninja Demo



We’ve just finished launching our new Event Espresso 4 test drive website, powered by the Ninja Demo plugin for WordPress. Ninja Demo combined with WordPress Multisite, allows our customers to create their own sandbox website with Event Espresso 4 pre-installed, and is even pre-populated with example events and registration data.

Now taking a test drive of Event Espresso 4 is easier than ever!

EE4 in a true-to-life environment

ee4-ninjademo-screenshotWith Ninja Demo, our potential customers can login to a demo site, where they can modify, delete, upload, and test out various areas of the EE4 software. Our customers can easily demo EE4 without leaving anything permanent behind. You can try out EE4 in a true-to-life environment and Ninja Demo cleans up the sandbox site once its no longer needed. This is perfect for customers looking to learn more about EE4’s features, the Espresso Events Calendar, and our Iced Mocha theme.

Already an Event Espresso member?

No problem! Existing Event Espresso 3 and 4 members are highly encouraged to take the new test drive site for a spin. This will help you decide if you’re ready to make the move to EE4. You’ll also have the opportunity to test the new Iced Mocha theme we’ve created, just for EE4, which is pre-installed on each sandbox site.

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New Themes Integrated with EE4 from Event Manager Blog

The theme developers at Event Manager Blog have added compatibility for EE4 into their gorgeous premium event themes, Fudge, Januas, Tyler, and Vertoh. If you’re in the market for a premium WordPress event theme, we’d recommend you check these out.


Fudge allows you to display your event on a single, stylish scrollable page without compromising on functionalities and advanced performer and session management. Perfect for conference website template for Meetings, Annual Events, Workshops, Seminars.



If you plan multiple events a year, Januas is the perfect solution to display all of your conferences, seminars, meetings or workshops under one roof. You can easily categorize each event and feature events on your homepage.



Tyler is a powerful event WordPress theme that offers all the features you need in an event website. Dedicated Speaker and Schedule page, and Social media integration. Perfect for large meetings, conferences and annual events.



Vertoh offers conferences and exhibitions a unique bundle of features to fit any type and size of event. You can add or remove sections to fit your conference/exhibition style.


Using Event Espresso 4 with Fudge, Januas, Tyler and Vertoh

Event Manager Blog has tried to keep the integration with EE4 as easy as possible. All that is required is that you configure your event and use the event-specific shortcode in one location.

Here’s the easy-to-follow documentation on using EE4 with Fudge and Tyler.

Check out these premium themes. We think you’ll like what you see.

Are you a theme developer?

Here a few resources  to assist theme developers who want to integrate with EE4:


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Prices Increase June 1, 2014


In the December 2013 newsletter, we mentioned that our plugin prices would be increased in 2014. However, we’ve been so focused on building, testing and releasing EE4 (with 50+ features) that we’re just now finally able to make the official announcement (six months later).

It has been nearly two years since we have raised prices. By sharing Event Espresso with your friends and colleagues you have helped us grow and keep prices low. As you continue to share Event Espresso with others, it might be another two years before prices are increased.

We understand that no one likes higher prices for things, so out of respect to our customers, we want to be transparent and give you three ways to get greater value and choice.

So, please keep in mind that Event Espresso is an open source and mostly community based project. The revenue that comes from support license sales goes right back into the project and helps to provide for our families, as we work to add new features and maintain and support the ever expanding codebase.

We hope you see this announcement as fair and respectful. The following changes take effect June 1, 2014:

An 11% Increase for EE3 Support License, 25% Increase for EE3 Add-ons

In general, the core EE3 Support Licenses prices will be increased by 11% while the EE3 Add-on prices will increase by 25%. As always, we try to offer you the best value which is why we left the Support License prices as low as possible.

We see your purchase of Event Espresso as an investment that funds the development of new features and improvements to the quality of the product. We know Event Espresso users can save time and make more money by using Event Espresso than without EE–and we have heard this from many users. However, some customers may feel the new EE3 plugin prices are too high, and we understand that sentiment. In that case, we encourage customers who need a lower-priced option to take a look at Event Espresso 4 which is priced at about 50% less and includes more (just not identical) features than EE3.

EE3 Support Licenses 2013 ($) 2014 ($)
EE3 Personal 89.95 99.95
EE3 Business 179.95 199.95
EE3 Developer 499.95 549.95
EE3 Add-ons 2013 ($) 2014 ($)
Custom Templates (CTA) 15.00 19.95
CTA – Accordion 15.00 19.95
CTA – Date Range 15.00 19.95
CTA – Grid 15.00 19.95
CTA – Recurring 15.00 19.95
CTA – Table 15.00 19.95
CTA – Vector 20.00 19.95
Custom Files 34.95 39.95
Groupon 24.95 29.95
Infusionsoft 59.95 69.95
MailChimp 24.95 34.95
Multiple Events 39.95 49.95
Permissions Basic 59.95 69.95
Permissions Pro 99.95 119.95
Recurring Events 39.95 49.95
Seating Chart 249.95 299.95
Ticketing 149.95 179.95
WP User Integration 34.95 39.95


What about EE4 prices?
While “in Beta”, Event Espresso 4 Beta will be discounted significantly (approx. 50%). As the EE4 Beta matures to a “stable” development status, the price will rise. Those who purchase at this discounted rate are still entitled to 12 months of support and upgrades.

Buy/Renew before June 1 to Get The Lower Rates

You can take advantage of this notification period (the time between this announcement and June 1 when prices change), to buy a Support License or renew your current support license to extend it an additional 12 months.

  • New customers can buy now to save 11% off their first Support License (rather than pay more after prices increase).
  • Existing customers can renew now to save 36%-61% (rather than renew after the prices increase). We have triggered the renewal process for all existing customers who have purchased in the last three (3) months. You should have received an email with the links to help you renew, or you can look for the renewal buttons from your Account page. If your account does not expire in the next three (3) months but you want to renew, then please contact us.

More Power and Choice with Event Espresso 4

If you’ve taken some time to install or demo EE4 (which you can do for free at, you will notice that EE4 is a real advancement. EE4 has many of the new features that you have been requesting. EE4 also has a new interface, data structure and coding method; not to mention a significantly lower price than EE3.

If you were not already aware, EE4 core is available to existing EE3 customers. Today we’re also announcing that customers who purchase an EE3 support package will have access to the equivalent add-ons in EE4 (based on availability). This means that if you have access to an add-on for EE3 and we release that same add-on for EE4, you will also have access to the EE4 add-on for free as part of your EE3 support license. This offer will be available as long as the prices for the EE4 support licenses and add-ons are less than the equivalent EE3 support licenses and add-ons. We’re more concerned that you have access to the solution that can best meet your needs.

Please note that regardless of your access to EE3 or EE4, your support license only entitles you to upgrades and support for one website (regardless of the version you are using).

If you’ve not already read, we have A New Direction for the Event Espresso 4 Support Licenses. This new direction will allow you to purchase and renew only the products you need and want. We do intend to offer package discounts in the future, but our core EE4 Support License will offer you more flexibility now.

We aim to be respectful and transparent and help you be successful in your event business. We hope that the new pricing structure is easy to follow, but if you have any questions or comments, please contact us or comment below.

We’re excited about the future for Event Espresso and are continually re-investing time, money, and energy to improve our product and save you time and money in return. Your support makes all this possible, and for that we thank you.

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LearnDash (a Learning Management System) is Now Integrated with Event Espresso 4



Today we are excited to announce that LearnDash, an elearning platform for WordPress, is now integrated with EE4. LearnDash is a Learning Management System (LMS) designed for selling and delivering e-learning courses from your WordPress site. With the LearnDash-Event Espresso add-on, you can now easily associate any offline event with one or more online courses. After signing-up for an event in Event Espresso, users are automatically enrolled into your course(s) of choice – a great way for offering online training content in conjunction with your live event!


  • Easily map an event to a course: When creating your event, simply select the course you want to associate with the product.
  • Associate one, or many, courses: You can associate as many courses as you like to a single Event Espresso event. A registrant will be enrolled into applicable courses immediately after signing up for your event.
  • Drip-feed course content leading up to an event: Leveraging the LearnDash drip-sequence feature, your event attendees can be delivered valuable training content leading up to the live event.
  • Works with any Event Espresso payment gateway: Choose any payment gateway for selling your course, it will also work for free events.

How to Use the LearnDash Add-on

1. Purchase and activate Event Espresso Version 4. 2. Download the LearnDash-Event Espresso Add-on from the LearnDash support site. Once downloaded, upload the integration via Plugins > Add New. After uploading, there is no configuration necessary. The integration will create a new “LearnDash” menu option under the Advanced Settings so that you can associate your event with LearnDash courses.

LearnDash setting in EE4.

LearnDash setting in EE4.

3. Once you publish an event with an associated course(s), registered site users will be auto-enrolled into the course(s) once signing-up for an Event Espresso event.

Download and Purchase Info

This Add-on is available for free to all LearnDash customers. To purchase the LearnDash plugin, please visit the LearnDash website.



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Scheduled Website Maintenance – April 25, 2014 at 10PM EST

Starting April 25, 2014 at 10PM EST, the Event Espresso website will be shut down, for approximately 2 to 3 hours, as we move to our new FireHost web server. The support forums and purchasing capabilities will be off-line during this time. However, you can follow us on Twitter (@EventEspresso), or visit us at, for realtime updates and information related to the move.

Thank you to all of our loyal customers for your patience! We look forward to providing you with a faster, secure, and more reliable website experience.

About Our New Web Host

firehost-logoFireHost is the leader in secure cloud hosting, capable of protecting sensitive data and brand reputations of the world’s enterprises. With infrastructure built for securitycomplianceperformance, and service, companies choose us to help de-risk collection, storage, and transmission of payment card and healthcare data.

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Website Outages April 16, 2014

What happened?

At approximately 1pm EST the website host, HostGator experienced a network outage. HostGator guarantees 99.9% uptime with all their dedicated servers which means that our website server should not be down (unexpectedly) for more than 9 hours the entire year—but yesterday alone our server was down for more than 12 hours!

During website outages, such as this, please follow us on Twitter for updates.

We know this was really bad timing for everyone. Just 10 hours earlier we released Event Espresso 4.2 and  began sending email notifications to users to download the update. We apologize for the interruptions and inconvenience this caused. We are taking actions to try and ensure something like this doesn’t happen again.

Going Forward

HostGator use to be very reliable, but the recent disruptions (this was not the first, nor the second interruption)  indicate that we can not rely on them for the level of service we need for (99.9%+ up-time). Within the next 30 days we intend to move to a new hosting service that has a better infrastructure to meet those types of expectations and guarantees. Our hope is that any downtime in the future is intentional and/or scheduled.

This means that there will be some additional disruptions as we go through the process of changing hosts. However, we hope these disruptions are intentional, controlled, and relatively brief. Once we have made the full transition to another host we expect that you will find that the website loads faster and is more reliable.

Thank you for your patience, and please pardon the construction as we change the filters on the Event Espresso machine.

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Event Espresso