Archive for the ‘Product & News’ Category

The Low Down on Event Espresso 4.5 and its Shocking Truth Revealed!

It’s really not all that shocking, but here’s a partial list of the new features, enhancements, and fixes that are coming your way in Event Espresso 4.5:

Get Started!
Purchase the Printable Tickets and Printable TicketsTicket Scanning add-ons for Event Espresso 4.
  • Event Espresso Capabilities for WordPress user role management
  • New message types: Invoices and Receipts. Allows for editing invoices and receipts from within the WordPress admin
  • Support for latin-1 characters (UTF-8) in PDFs
  • New option to display a range of dates in the Upcoming Events widget
  • New themeing system for Messages
  • New shortcodes for Messages
  • New option to limit datetimes in the Upcoming Events widget

Would you like to get a first hand look at Event Espresso 4.5? If so, you can download an pre-release copy from your account page after you opt into the pre-release channel.

If you have any feedback or questions about any of the new features in this release, we welcome your feedback. Please leave a comment here or start a thread in our Pre-release forum and we’ll be sure to follow up.

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Release Update: Event Espresso 4.4.4.p Now Available

A maintenance release for Event Espresso 4 is now available. Event Espresso 4.4.4.p offers 13 fixes and 3 enhancements.

Please backup your website before making any changes.

Bugfixes for Event Espresso 4.4.4

  • EE_Error exception when adding [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] to a LearnDash course
  • PayPal IPN validation, when there’s a single quote in a ticket’s name
  • Event Facebook URL and Event Twitter URL Message Shortcodes don’t Reference Event Information
  • Remove “or” keywords from instance of check in EE_Admin.core.php
  • Stray html tag in the pricing area of Event Espresso
  • Custom payment methods not loading unless original is deleted
  • Fix transaction report calculation for Total Revenue per Day
  • Approved Registration status not working for payment gateways
  • Sold Out Ticket that is Required allows other Tickets to be Purchased
  • EE Error notice when micro updating EE4.5.0.beta
  • Payment Overview has wrong dates January 1 1970

Enhancements for Event Espresso 4.4.4

  • Raise minimum PHP version requirement to at least PHP 5.3.9
  • Move Heartbeat API dependent admin scripts to their own file
  • Add $old_STS_ID and $new_STS_ID to hooks in EE_Registration::set_status()
For a complete history of updates and changes to EE4 and the EE4-compatible add-ons, see the change log for Event Espresso 4.

Updating to Event Espresso 4.4.4

One-click updates are available via the WordPress Plugins page within the WP dashboard to members who have activated their support license key. The support license key can be found on your Event Espresso account page and it is activated through the General Settings page for Event Espresso within your WordPress admin (WP dashboard).

Be sure to backup your WordPress site. Then login to your WordPress admin and click on Plugins in the WordPress admin menus. Locate Event Espresso within the list of plugins and click on Update Now.

You can also manually update your Event Espresso software. Here is information on how to manually update Event Espresso via SFTP or FTP.

What Changes were made in Event Espresso 4.4.3?

You can view the change log for Event Espresso 4.4.3.

Need to see more events or registrations per page in your WordPress dashboard?

Try clicking on the Screen Options tab in the top right corner of the events overview screen or registration overview screen and then adjust the pagination number and save changes. Here is an example: Increase the number of events shown in the events overview screen

Thanks for being a member of Event Espresso!

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Automatic updates have been re-activated

As we mentioned earlier this week, was the target of a DDOS attack. We want to reaffirm your data was never compromised nor vulnerable. Our user data has and been and will continue to be secure, and we continue to take action to keep it protected.

Today we have added measures to prevent additional DDOS attacks in the future and implemented rate-limiting on the api endpoints for our plugin update engine. While doing this, we also noticed an inefficient query that compounded the server problems and we fixed that too.

To make a long story short, automatic updates have been re-enabled. You should begin receiving update notifications for the Event Espresso suite of plugins as updates become available. Hint: Event Espresso 4.4.4 was released earlier today so watch for that update notification.

However, there is the possibility that we may still have to fine tune some of the measures we’ve put in place. If any of the following happen to you:

  • You have multiple Event Espresso plugins installed and get update notifications for some that have updates but not others.
  • You are browsing our site, interacting with forums and get a cannot connect message seemingly randomly at intervals.

Please contact us with as much detail you can provide as possible and we’ll look into things and see if there’s a problem with some preventative measures we put in place on our server.

Again, thanks for the patience during this experience! If you have any questions or comments, please contact us or comment below.

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Event Espresso was under a DDOS Attack Today

On Monday, October 27, 2014 was targeted by a distributed denial of service attack. This works by flooding our servers with dummy requests so that authentic requests from real website visitors are not processed. If you tried to access our website earlier today, then you may have experienced one of the following:

  • slow website loading
  • 502 bad request
  • partial loading or broken styling on various pages

No customer information has been affected and all customer data is safe.

Some initial findings on this attack has been posted here:

We will be conducting a full investigation of this attack over the next few days and will provide another update once this has been completed. We are very sorry about any inconvenience that this may have caused today.

Additional availability by our team will be made for tomorrow (October 28th). If you recently created a support post in our support forums, then you’ll receive a response soon. Have a question about your Event Espresso account or a recent purchase? Get in touch with our team through our contact page:

This is an unfortunate way to start out the week and we are very grateful for your patience.

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Release Update: Event Espresso 4.4.3.p

A maintenance release for Event Espresso 4 is now available. Event Espresso 4.4.3.p offers 3 fixes and 1 enhancement.

Please backup your website before making any changes.

Bugfixes for Event Espresso 4.4.3

  • Error when auto-updating
  • Database error in front-end category shortcode page while in maintenance mode
  • Undefined property (slug) notice that shows on plugin list table

Enhancements for Event Espresso 4.4.3

  • Enabled Payment Declined (Event Admin context) by default
For a complete history of updates and changes to EE4 and the EE4-compatible add-ons, see the change log for Event Espresso 4.

Updating to Event Espresso 4.4.3

One-click updates are available via the WordPress Plugins page within the WP dashboard to members who have activated their support license key. The support license key can be found on your Event Espresso account page and it is activated through the General Settings page for Event Espresso within your WordPress admin (WP dashboard).

Be sure to backup your WordPress site. Then login to your WordPress admin and click on Plugins in the WordPress admin menus. Locate Event Espresso within the list of plugins and click on Update Now.

You can also manually update your Event Espresso software. Here is information on how to manually update Event Espresso via SFTP or FTP.

What Happened to Event Espresso 4.4.1 and 4.4.2?

These versions were released within a few days of each other. Here is the changelog for Event Espresso 4.4.1 and the changelog for Event Espresso 4.4.2.

Need to see more events or registrations per page in your WordPress dashboard?

Try clicking on the Screen Options tab in the top right corner of the events overview screen or registration overview screen and then adjust the pagination number and save changes. Here is an example: Increase the number of events shown in the events overview screen

Thanks for being a member of Event Espresso!

Posted in Product & News | 2 Comments »

Scheduled Website Maintenance Sept. 24, 10PM MT

In an effort to further improve the speed and reliability of the website services (e.g. validating support license keys and serving plugin updates), we’ll be taking offline for about two hours this evening to perform some database optimization maintenance.

Get status updates from

Like we always advise Event Espresso users, we will backup the database just as a precaution. The website database will remain secure and your account information will continue to be protected during this scheduled maintenance.

If you have any questions or concerns, please comment below or contact us.

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Event Espresso 4 Decaf (lite/free) Now Available for Download

ImageEvent Espresso 4 Decaf (lite/free) has been officially released as the most flexible, powerful and easy-to-use WordPress events plugin. After three years of development, and more awesome enhancements already in the works, every event manager and WordPress developer should rely on Event Espresso 4.

Event Espresso 4 Decaf provides core event registration management features for WordPress:

  • Host unlimited events (single datetimes per event)
  • Create an unlimited number of types of tickets
  • Sell unlimited tickets for each event or all events
  • Restrict ticket sales to the availability of different ticket types
  • Restrict the ticket sales to the availability of the date and time (datetime) of the event, regardless of how many tickets or which ticket combinations are sold.
  • Collect payments via PayPal Standard, Invoice, Bank Draft, and Check. Additional payment methods are available in Event Espresso 4 Regular (premium)
  • Collect personal and address information for each registrant
  • Send automatic Registration Approved, Registration Not Approved, Registration Pending Payment, and Payment Received email confirmations.
  • And more!

The Event Espresso 4 Decaf core is a great place to start for the new event organizer.

Two Ways to Download

A BIG Thank You

Seth Shoultes, co-founder, offers his thanks to the Event Espresso users and staff who made this possible:

Users of Event Espresso 3, from all over the world, deserve a GREAT BIG THANK YOU! You have played a major role in steering the features we developed for EE4 over time. It’s our turn to repay you for all of your patience and guidance over the last 5+ years.

I truly hope you enjoy EE4 and all of the work we have put into this version of the plugin since we started development almost three years ago now. I am sure you will find EE4 much more flexible and intuitive than any other event registration and management system on WordPress.

Get the Caffeine – Upgrade to Regular (Premium)

Save more time and money, and get more power with Event Espresso 4 Regular (premium), which has exclusive features such as:

To Upgrade:

We hope you like Event Espresso 4 decaf, please leave us a comment below and tell us what you think.

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Major Release Update: Event Espresso 4.4.0.p Now Available

Event Espresso IconThis major release for Event Espresso 4 brings a couple new features but many enhancements and fixes. We’ve added the ability to customize the ticket selector (via filter), a button for attendees to resend their payment or registration emails from the thank you page, raised the PHP version requirement to 5.3+ for 4.4+, allow date and time localization (i18n), and more.

Please backup your website before making any changes.
EE4.4 self-deactivates if your PHP version is less than PHP 5.3, please see Raising the PHP Requirements for Event Espresso 4.
Create an account now and download Event Espresso 4 Decaf for free.

New Features

Notable Enhancements

  • Raising the php requirements to 5.3+
    Customers can always download and install EE 4.3.2, from the pre-release channel within your account, which is compatible with PHP 5.2 until they can find a better web host.
  • Add filters to change date and time localization (i18n)
  • Adding theme conditionals and template tags
  • Add Bank Draft (EFT) to payment options listed in refunds screen
  • Create “template_tags.php” File For Holding ALL Template Tags
  • Send the Event Name with shopping cart info to PayPal Standard
  • Move all publicly editable templates, assets, etc into a “Public” folder within the plugin root

Notable Fixes

  • ESPRESSO_EVENTS shortcodes params getting overwritten
  • Usage of do_shortcode() with EE shortcodes in templates
  • Maintenance Mode for visitors appearing as a blank page
  • Ticket editor ticket limit (max_input_vars)
  • Invoice showing registration details for extra registration groups in reverse order
  • Month property not working in event shortcodes
For a complete history of updates and changes to EE4 and the EE4-compatible add-ons, see the change log for Event Espresso 4.

Updating to Event Espresso 4.4.0.p

Have a question about using Event Espresso 4?

Try searching the documentation for Event Espresso 4. If you are still stuck after searching, then please create a support post in our support forums so we can help you!

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Release Update: Event Espresso 4.3.2.p

A maintenance release for Event Espresso 4 is now available. Event Espresso 4.3.2.p offers 4 fixes.

Please backup your website before making any changes.

Bugfixes for Event Espresso 4.3.2

  • Fixed SPCO return to pay in cases where the event is sold out / reached maximum capacity of approved registrations
  • Fixed updates to core clearing out tables added by add-ons
  • Fixed the mysterious sales tax display in the ticket price breakdown
  • Fixed migration error when migrating from EE3
For a complete history of updates and changes to EE4 and the EE4-compatible add-ons, see the change log for Event Espresso 4.

Updating to Event Espresso 4.3.2

One-click updates are available via the WordPress Plugins page within the WP dashboard to members who have activated their support license key. The support license key can be found on your Event Espresso account page and it is activated through the General Settings page for Event Espresso within your WordPress admin (WP dashboard).

Be sure to backup your WordPress site. Then login to your WordPress admin and click on Plugins in the WordPress admin menus. Locate Event Espresso within the list of plugins and click on Update Now.

You can also manually update your Event Espresso software. Here is information on how to manually update Event Espresso via SFTP or FTP.

Have a question about using Event Espresso 4?

Try searching the documentation for Event Espresso 4. If you are still stuck after searching, then please create a support post in our support forums so we can help you!

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Raising the PHP Requirements for Event Espresso 4

Here at Event Espresso, our mission has always been to empower business and organization leaders with the event registration, ticketing and management tools that maximize the success of their events. While our products are constantly improving as a result of that mission, we must also continue to evaluate systems our products are built with to ensure they contribute to this mission as well. One of these dependencies is the usage of the PHP programming language.

Since the release of Event Espresso 4, back in January 2014, we have made it clear on the Requirements page that EE4 requires at least PHP 5.3. As of EE version 4.4, we will no longer support PHP 5.2. If you try activating EE 4.4 on a site running on PHP 5.2 it will simply deactivate and display a minimum PHP version is required message. This is done on purpose to prevent serious issues on your site. If you wish to continue using EE 4.4, you will have to upgrade your server to PHP 5.3 or later. If you are unable to upgrade to PHP 5.3+ right away (maybe your host is slow to respond) you can continue to use EE 4.3.1.

Please note that the PHP 5.3 series will enter an end of life cycle and receive only critical fixes as of August 14, 2014. All users of PHP are encouraged to upgrade to PHP 5.4. PHP 5.3.29 is recommended for those wishing to remain on the 5.3 series.
Create an account now and download Event Espresso 4 Decaf for free.

Why are we raising the PHP requirements for EE4?

Dropping support for PHP 5.2 was a decision we did not make lightly. In fact, we tried to delay it as long as possible. Here are the three primary reasons prompting this decision:

  1. Security
    PHP 5.2 is a dead release. It became end-of-life on January 6th, 2011 when the final version, PHP 5.2.17, was released. As the PHP website reads on that page:

    If you are using these releases, you are strongly urged to upgrade to a current version, as using older versions may expose you to security vulnerabilities and bugs that have been fixed in more recent versions of PHP.

    This is exactly the case with PHP 5.2, a version of PHP which is end of life for over 3 years. As a matter of fact, just a mere days after it became end of life a major security flaw was detected. It was fixed in PHP 5.3 but not in PHP 5.2. If you are using PHP 5.2, and your hosting provider has not patched this version, you are exposed to known security threats which are being used to attack web sites. The nature of these attacks means that your server’s firewall and/or a security component (like Admin Tools Professional) cannot protect your site. If you are using an un-patched version of PHP 5.2 your site will be hacked. The question is not if, but when. So, using PHP 5.2 may hurt your site’s security.

  2. More Efficient Code
    PHP 5.2 lacks several features necessary for modern software development, like late static binding. To cut a long story short, if we kept on supporting PHP 5.2 we could no longer maintain our software in a way that is consistent with our commitment to providing up-to-date and easy to use software. We’d be stuck in the Stone Age until we reached a point that we could no longer provide new features and updates. So, using PHP 5.2 doesn’t allow efficient software development.
  3. Quicker Feature Development
    One of the major factors in the longer release times of our EE4 products has not only been extra development time working around PHP 5.2 deficiencies, but also having to test on PHP 5.2. Eliminating support for PHP 5.2 helps us speed up release times. Therefore allowing us to develop and test new features at a much faster rate.

Why now?

Basically, we chose now as the time for dropping support because in the past year most major hosts have begun moving their customers over to newer PHP versions and are dropping support for PHP5.2. We delayed dropping support ourselves because we wanted to ensure that most of our existing customers are able to transition to newer versions of PHP fairly easily. Also, in the past year WordPress has made a number of fixes in its releases to address minor compatibility issues with PHP 5.4 and 5.5 that ensure it is fully compatible with the most recent versions of PHP.

Will my WordPress website stop working?

Upgrading your WordPress site to a new PHP version will not break the site unless you have a plugin/theme that uses a deprecated PHP function/method. Themes are less likely to have that, but plugins might. You will have to notify the plugin author of the affected plugin.

Customers can always download and install EE 4.3.2, from the pre-release channel within your account, which is compatible with PHP 5.2 until they can find a better web host.

Keep in mind WP will support sites up to PHP 5.4 (and even PHP 5.5 as of WP 3.9). So compatibility with WP is not a problem.

The only issue our customers might see in some circumstances is if they have WP_DEBUG on, plugins coded in a PHP 5.2 environment (or even PHP 5.3) might have things that throw warnings in PHP 5.4+ , but again that does not break sites if WP_DEBUG is off (which in a production environment SHOULD be off).

What if my host is still on PHP 5.2?

All the major hosts (Dreamhost, Bluehost, Hostgator, etc…) have PHP 5.3 by default.

And if there is a minor host where PHP 5.2 is the best you can have, then what’s the point with signing with a smaller and lesser known company if they cannot provide better services than big ones?

There are hosts which still offer PHP 5.2 by default but do support PHP 5.3 or 5.4 as an option. On these hosts you can ask them for the proper way to upgrade to PHP 5.3. Usually it’s a configuration option in your site’s control panel or in your .htaccess.

Even worse, there are still hosts which do not offer you any way to use PHP 5.3 or later. These hosts must be avoided at all cost. It means that the hosting company doesn’t care about investing the minimal amount of time required to properly setup their machines and ensure your security. Do you really want to trust them with your site? Would you tolerate a catering company serving stale food at your event? It’s the same question. If you’re stuck on such a host we strongly recommending moving to a decent hosting company. We have compiled a short list of quality hosts you might want to consider. Here you go, in no particular order:


As of EE 4.4, we are no longer supporting PHP version 5.2. If you cannot update to PHP version 5.2, then you cannot use EE 4.4. If your hosting company is still on PHP 5.2, you will need to have them update your server to PHP version 5.3 or greater. If they refuse, you should seriously consider switching to a different hosting provider.

Customers can always download and install EE 4.3.2, from the pre-release channel within your account, which is compatible with PHP 5.2 until they can find a better web host.

Why drop support for PHP 5.2?

  1. Security
  2. Ability to write more efficient code
  3. Quicker development of new features

Will my WordPress website still work?
Yes, your site will still work, as long as your WordPress theme and plugins are compatible with PHP 5.3+.

Host won’t update?
Move to a trusted hosting provider.


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Event Espresso