Archive for the ‘Event Planning’ Category

35 Ideas on Planning Client Appreciation Events To Increase Loyal Customers

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Clients who feel appreciated are most likely to stay loyal to your business. As we all know, happy clients are one of the most important things to keep your business sustainable and healthy. Thinking of events can get overwhelming so this article will provide you with a comprehensive list of client or customer appreciation ideas.

The book Influence by Robert Caldini talks about the concept of reciprocity and how when you do something for someone, they are more likely to reciprocate and return the favor to you. Similarly, when you do something nice for your clients, studies show that they will be more inclined to remember and give it back to you in some way.  


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How to Create an Event Planning Portfolio from Scratch

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“We don’t need to see your event planning portfolio, you’re hired!” Said no one ever. Event planning portfolios are important because they prove your experience and expertise. Your prospective customer will trust you more if you have a well-prepared event-planning portfolio to present. If you’re starting your events career, this guide to creating an event planning portfolio is for you. 

This guide can also be helpful for the seasoned event planner to refresh your event planning portfolio to make sure you’re presenting your best to new clients.


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How to Achieve Financial Sustainability for Nonprofit Organizations

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Starting a nonprofit is often driven by passion, but ensuring its longevity requires careful financial planning. Financial sustainability means maintaining and growing your organization without exhausting your resources. This article provides practical ideas to help achieve financial sustainability for nonprofit organizations and achieve lasting financial health.


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15 Ideas to Boost Virtual Event Attendee Engagement

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Virtual events have become increasingly popular as the world adapts to new ways of connecting and conducting business. The convenience of participating from anywhere makes them essential in today’s event industry.

However, maintaining virtual event attendee engagement in a virtual setting can be challenging.

Did you know that 80% of event professionals measure event success based on attendee engagement and satisfaction? Yet, over 68% of organizers report that engaging in virtual events is their biggest hurdle.

Engagement is more than just a buzzword; it’s the key to attendee participation, satisfaction, and the overall success of an event.

An engaged audience is more likely to participate, remember the content, and spread the word about your event. Whether you’re a seasoned event planner or new to the virtual space, we’ve got some exciting and effective strategies to keep your audience hooked from start to finish.


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Gala Fundraiser: 12 Essential Steps for Success

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Planning a gala fundraiser can be both thrilling and daunting. Picture an evening with elegantly dressed guests, captivating entertainment, and a vibrant atmosphere supporting your cause. Gala fundraisers are crucial—they’re not just social events but key opportunities to raise awareness, foster community connections, and boost fundraising efforts.

But let’s face it– organizing successful gala events isn’t as simple. It requires careful planning, creativity, and a well-thought-out strategy to pull off a formal event that truly makes an impact. Many organizations find themselves struggling from engaging their audience to making the most of modern technology.

In this blog post, we’ve curated 12 steps to elevate your nonprofit fundraising galas and ensure its success. Whether you aim to boost awareness or raise money, these strategies will help you navigate challenges and create a successful fundraising gala event.


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15 Community Workshop Ideas to Foster Connection and Fun

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Community workshops serve as dynamic platforms for individuals to learn, share, and connect. Turning a regular Saturday into a day where you learn exciting ideas, laugh with new friends, or even discover a talent you didn’t know you had. That’s what a community workshop can do.

They’re not just regular classes. they’re lively get-togethers that make our daily life more interesting and enjoyable. From cooking with fresh garden produce to learning photography from home, workshops bring us together to develop new skills, grow, and have fun. Plus, there are countless options to choose from.

In this post, we’re going to explore 15 fun and interactive community workshop ideas that will bring everyone closer. Whether you love organizing events or just connecting with others, these educational workshop ideas will help you plan your next big community hit.


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How To Use Early Bird Tickets To Increase Sales

Imagine snagging the best seat in the house before anyone else, all while saving a significant chunk of change. That’s the magic of early bird tickets. In a world where the early bird catches the worm, savvy event-goers are reaping the rewards of planning. 

In this article, we will give you all the information you need to know what is early bird tickets and their benefits on helping boost ticket sales.


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The Different Types of Events: Ideas on Planning for Every Occasion

Events will always be an important part of our lives. Most of our meaningful and memorable moments happen through different event types—weddings, graduations, birthdays, anniversaries, and more. In this article, we will give you a comprehensive list of the different types of events that you can organize for your community or loved ones.


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Why Event Espresso Is The Best For Nonprofit Event Registration

Events have become an important avenue for nonprofit organizations to raise funds and generate awareness for their cause or advocacy. It can get overwhelming trying to discover what to look for in an event registration platform. This article will give you everything you need to look for and why Event Espresso is the best for nonprofit event ticketing


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What are General Admission Tickets: Everything You Need to Know

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When planning to attend a live event, you might encounter various ticketing options, among which “General Admission” tickets are quite common. But what does general admission mean, and how does it differ from other types of tickets? This guide aims to explain GA tickets, offering insights into their characteristics, benefits, drawbacks, and best practices for event organizers.


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Event Espresso