Blog – Tips and Trends For Your Events

Is your Event Business Losing Money from Eventbrite Fees?

Let me tell you a story about a small town quilting company that’s losing over $21,000 from Eventbrite fees and charges, annually.

Is your Event Business Losing Money from Eventbrite Fees?

Starting as a Small Family Business

Modern Quilt Company (not the real name), and we’ll call it MQC for short…started out about ten years ago as a small family business in a small rural town. Employment was scarce in that small town, and local enterprise abandoned the city many years ago. Buildings were left abandoned, and the local infrastructure was crumbling, while many of the residents had to travel long distances to work, or eventually left the area altogether to find employment elsewhere.

Learn how to create a Quilt Retreat Booking website. Quilting, not your thing? Create your own event planning business.

The founder of MQC’s father, Greg, commuted an hour and a half to work each way as a mechanic at the local newspaper. He worked long hours and many night shifts to support his wife (Shauna) and his seven children. In 2008, when he lost a hefty portion of his retirement savings in the market crash and at a time when the newspaper industry was laying off people every month, his son’s James and Sammy concocted an idea to start a business that could help their parents towards retirement. Read More

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4 Ways to Convert Pending Payment Registrations Into Paying Attendees

Event Espresso is a WordPress e-commerce plugin specialized for online event registration and selling tickets. Just like any other WordPress e-commerce plugin, you have to convert your website traffic from an audience to a customer, or in this case an attendee.  It takes work, at the right time you can convert Pending Payment registrations into paying attendees.

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Lorenzo has a created a learning series titled 7 Days to a Better Registration Checkout that covers very well how to convert website traffic into ticket sales or registrations. I’d recommend subscribing to that email course.
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Let’s Meet at LoopConf 2017

Have you heard of LoopConf?

LoopConf is an exciting, three-day event for technically-minded folks that want to dive deep into advanced engineering and development topics. For the second year in a row, they have invited a lineup of amazing speakers ready and willing to share their passion for WordPress with you.

With a speaker lineup featuring engineers from Automattic, WIRED, The New York Times, Bocoup, Disney, Microsoft, and so many other amazing and innovative companies, you won’t want to miss this fantastic event! Read More

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New Feature: Filter Tickets by Date

Hello, everyone! We’ve recently launched a new premium feature in Event Espresso (as of 4.9.27.p) that allows your customers to filter tickets by date. If you have ever used the Multiple Datetimes Per Event feature when configuring your event to occur on multiple days, you know that sometimes there can be a lot of ticket options (one for each Datetime, etc.).

New Feature- Filter tickets by date

To make the process of selecting the correct ticket for the right day(s) easier for your audience, we have added a setting that allows you to turn on a date filter so that your registrants can filter available ticket options by date.

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A Guide to Event Marketing on Pinterest

Pinterest isn’t just another time-killing-app. Pinterest is leading the way in event marketing.

Event Marketing with Pinterest (1)

According to an article, I found, Pinterest pins are 100 times more spreadable than a tweet, with the retweet average hitting only 1.4%. And, as for Facebook, the half-life of a pin is 1,680x longer than a Facebook post. I soon came to realize that Pinterest is a great tool for any event businesses, in particular for promoting upcoming and past events. Read More

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Using LinkedIn Marketing to Build Awareness Around your Event Business

Feeling the need to stand out in the overly crowded world of event businesses? Did you know that LinkedIn can help build awareness around your event business? With nearly 470 million registered users and spread over 200 countries, LinkedIn is more than just a resume-displaying platform. Utilizing LinkedIn for your event business is essential if you want to grow. In fact, it is an often overlooked but powerful marketing avenue for small-to-large event businesses, conferences, and event planners in general.

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Using Twitter Marketing to Build Event Awareness

This week we’ll be taking a deep dive into using Twitter marketing to build awareness around your events. I’ll try to cover everything related to Twitter marketing and how to employ it as a tool for event marketing. I’ve included a lot of information in this post, so if you already know about Twitter, or don’t care about seeing Twitter stats, please feel free to skip ahead. I’ve outlined the topics for you below.

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Event Espresso 2016 Year in Review

Well, another year is behind us, and we’ve moved on to 2017. As we wrap up an incredible 2016, we feel grateful to be able to partner with our customers and together push the boundaries of event registration and ticketing. We can’t help but get excited for what 2017 will bring.

Event Espresso 2016 Year in Review #2-2 Read More

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Using Facebook Marketing to Boost Ticket Sales

It’s becoming increasingly less useful to promote your events, classes, or conferences using offline methods, such as print or local television ads. In this day in age, even online methods of advertising, such as Google Ads and Facebook Marketing, are becoming less effective. It’s hard to cut through all of the noise when we get constantly bombarded with messaging about new products, services, and 21st-century gimmicks. Sometimes I wish we could go back to a time like when we were young.

Boost ticket sales with Facebook Marketing Read More

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Event Espresso